This is what I do...but we're not in the Spoiler forum so I'll put in the spoiler function. If you've done the Knights of the Nine DLC, and I always do before the battle for Bruma because
Spoiler then I have the Blessing of the Eight spell to shield other and Merciful Touch to heal other. They both use less magicka and by replenishing magicka with welkynd stones, it gets me through. I don't use my weapon usually....I only heal the allies and Baurus and Jauffre. I get all the allies for Bruma so there are many fighting.
My first two games I could never save Baurus but on my third game, I was able to save everyone all through the entire game. It was my best ever and I'm hoping to duplicate that in my current game. Good luck to's a difficult battle.

Added: I missed your last post...congratulations!!