what is radiation?

Post » Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:42 am

Indeed, Beer-Lambert's law says the intensity I after having passed through a material of thickness d is I = I0e-μd, where I0 is the original intensity before passing through the material, and μ is a material and radiation dependent absorpbtion coefficent. For lead with gamma radiation, μ ≈ 0.69 cm-1, as 1 cm is about enough to reduce the intensity by about 50%.

So, mathematically, you can't completely stop radiation, but in practice you can reduce the intensity to a negligible amount.

...uh...yeah :shrug:
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Charlotte X
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Post » Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:44 am

Radioactivity ("Activity")

*Definition: A collection of unstable atoms that undergo
spontaneous transformation that result in new elements.
*An atom with an unstable nucleus will “decay” until it
becomes a stable atom, emitting radiation as it decays
*Sometimes a substance undergoes several radioactive
decays before it reaches a stable state
*The “amount” of radioactivity (called activity) is given by
the number of nuclear decays that occur per unit time
(decays per minute).

A quote from one of the packets I had to learn to complete my radiation training to be certified to handle radioactive materials.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:11 pm

Anyone know if they are perfecting those Radio-isotopic Thermoelectric Generators increasing their efficiency beyond 10 to 12%? Still wonder about those things being unique power solutions in the future if they can be perfected a bit more.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:14 pm

ive been playing fallout forever (replaying 5th time), and i got interested in the idea of nuclear annihilation and atomic war and whatnot. i know we get natural rads from the sun, and man made rads from nukes... but i still dont really know what it is. could someone plz explain? i made a google search and cannot find a simple explanation..

What I've got:

Radiation is heat caused by an atom splitting apart.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:47 am

What I've got:

Radiation is heat caused by an atom splitting apart.

From what I know, it doesn't have to be an atom splitting apart. While that is one of the most devestating forms of radiation, radiation is heat being emmited. Just like when you get a very very bad sunburn. If someone puts there hands over your sunburn and not touch it, they can feel the heat eminating from your skin. This is radiation as well. No adam splitting going on here.

Right now you are being bombarded reaing my post. The monitor you are reading from emits radiation, but not the harmfull kind. Nothing like splitting atoms kind which is really destecutive and powerfull.
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