» Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:20 am
I once hailed from a nightmarish swampland on the eastern coast of North America. What was once a beautiful wooded area before European colonization is now a land where the ground in most areas is covered in 3-5 feet of sludge and the water is more medical waste than anything else. My hut of residence was made of dirty syringes and held together with petroleum. The horizon is dotted with smokestacks and the air is fatal to all outlanders, which is why I, having been born in another state, had to wear a gas mask in order to survive my time there. Yes friends, I did in fact once hail from New Jersey...
...But! Now I'm in San Francisco, and I'm slowly getting to the point where I've lived here long enough to over-exaggerate every little thing wrong with it like I just did with New Jersey. For example, did you know that here in San Francisco, we only have one season? It's called Cold and Windy All The Damn Time, and, as the name suggests, it lasts all year round. :thumbsup: