Oh geez, where do I start...
There's a bird in my backyard that sings kinda like one of the birds in the game.
If it's been rainy/moist outside for awhile, sometimes these huge mushrooms show up in my neighborhood. Look just like Cairn Boletes.

Sometimes if I get annoyed at someone I'll start fantasizing how awesome it would be if I could throw a fireball. NOt at them, but just throw one at a wall or something. Just to see the look on their face!
Tomatoes and onions.

Listening to inane conversations in a supermarket or at Starbucks, I'll sometimes realize I'd much rather hear some NPCs talking about goblins, mudcrabs, or "the news from the other parts of Tamriel".
Bottles of wine, especially if they're in one of those racks.
sunrises and sunsets.
Damn, now I wanna fire up my PS3.