Most are unintended (by the strategists, not the soldiers themselves) though
Which was why the US dropped atomic bombs on population centres? The huge civilian death toll was unintended? I doubt it.
The same with the bombing of German Dresden. It didn't have a huge effect on the outcome of the war and there is no way you can throw 750 bombers at a city and not expect huge civilian deaths.
whilst the majority of terrorism (a major aspect of war in these times) is towards civilians
The majority of the deaths due to terrorists in the UK has been service personnel I think, however that was mainly due to the IRA.
I suspect that it is highly likely that while we think of terrorism as against civilians the deaths of military personal to civilian deaths is probably about the same. If you look at the deaths in modern wars for example, the vast majority are civilians. I don't think this has changed that much since Genghis Kahn raised Chinese cities to the ground.
There are also vast differences in terrorist organisations (as defined by the west). Many of them are involved in what the majority of local states view as resistance. It is only the fact that we are on the opposite side that we call them terrorists. Others seem to have no aim other that to tear down the current world order as if it will make the world a better place.