I love armour customization, back in morrowind we had so many stiles to chose from, the shoulder armours were so big, meaning that we could completely customize our selfs, but some clothes, then a entire armour , then a robe! then 2 rings and a amulet with a shield and sword(for me lol), i would love to see how skyrim handle customization, by what we could see, the player now can customize the entire body while in the character creation! thats good! now, the number o items that form a armour and how diferent can we create our own armour should be interesting as well, morrowind style of armour customization was awesome, left shoulder-deadric paudron, right shoulder- glass paudron , daedric platebody, alduin graves and boots, and clavicus helm, thats a completely weirld armour, but its mine, i finded every single piece of this armour exploring! this quantity of items to create a full armour make the it alot more valuable than in oblivion, they mixed togheter the platebody and the two paldrons, and i love paldrons, probaly, we will be able to customize our armour even further on skyrim, like, with black smithing, creating our own style of armour, painting it or somenthing, making us want to explore for rare metals, such as daedric! i think we will se some of this in skyrim , i hope!