I'm still waiting for KOTOR 3.
This. Out of all the games I have ever been hyped for, the most was probably Kotor 2. You people have no idea how much I played Kotor 1. Seriously. I knew everything about that game by heart, everything. I loved that game

TESV is coming close though. I love Morrowind. And no matter what anyone says, I love Oblivion. Both were great games, even if Oblivion wasn't what people were exactly hoping for. To me, the mods Oblivion has now, makes up TENFOLD for what Oblivion didn't deliver. I'd also like to point out that I hadn't played a modded Oblivion up until September of 2009. Oblivion was the [censored] on my 360 and I played up until I got it on my PC. So IDK, TESV has me pretty antsy right now.
Fallout 4 will probably be pretty [censored] irritating to wait for as well, and New Vegas is sounding better and better everyday IMHO.
EDIT: Honorable mention goes to Empire Total War. That game had me so psyched, but let me down so miserably. :cold:
I've played a lot of games in my life, and out of all of them, the most hours I have played probably goes to the Total War series, straight from the very beginning game of Shogun Total War. I seriously can't describe to you the let down that was ETW.... so that's why it is an honorable mention