Are you afraid of team sizes?

Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:57 pm

Well, considering Splash Damage's comments on community support, there may be some servers with higher player caps.

I personally love big battles of 32 Vs 32, but having played MAG, I can see where they would get the idea that smaller is better.

After all, Brink is a team based shooter, and the maps are quite small. So 8v8 seems like the sweet spot.

Still looking forward to possibly 16v16 though.
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Setal Vara
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:33 pm

plus you have the contribute the affects on " laggyness" 8 vs 8 is perfect in network preformance and objective gameplay
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:12 pm

The impact of a single star is magnified with the smaller teams as well. I'm not worried at all about team size and think it's going to be easier to organized a group of randoms than with larger numbers.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:57 pm

8 vs 8 is a good size to reduce the impact of morons.

And even if your team doesn't win, you'll earn XP towards leveling up, and the moron won't get as much. So you'll level up faster, and because your rank (linked to level) determines matchmaking, you won't have to worry about that player after a while.

The devs have stated that 8v8 was the "sweet spot" between having plenty of players and still making everyone feel like they're contributing. Brink isn't really a big team kinda game, like Battlefield or Homefront or MAG, but it isn't a small team game like CoD either. The way the maps, abilties, and objectives are designed, 8v8 is probably the perfect number of players.

There are small maps and adding more people will be less fun than you think.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:52 pm

I tend to like 8v8 in Brink -like games like W:ET.
Fewer people makes it easier to communicate, but results in less action.
More people tends to give more action, but reduces the impact of a single player and is more likely to become a fragfest.
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Post » Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:02 am

I like 8 vs 8. It's not so small that one person can make you lose and yet its too large.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:49 pm

8v8 seems reasonable. It's better than 6v6, and the maps aren't nearly big enough to warrant 12v12.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:57 pm

If you're lone wolf then yes a large team would be your optimal setting aka more kills basically because it becomes a death match anyway. I think 8v8 is perfect and more intimate and stakes are higher and makes you focus on the mission and objectives and of course your TEAMMATES!

This many times over.

I've been off and on with multiplayer games, but it seems like unless it's CTF it's fairly difficult to keep even a 12 man team organized and doing more than just seeking kills. I think with 8 you have a better chance of keeping that team oriented focus... that said I've yet to even try TF2 so I have no idea what to expect. haha.
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