And if you do that, the fact that the Ark page still only has two maps (which have been there for a very long time) will be blatantly obvious :flame:
I know that there are many threads concerning the Ark maps, but none of them addressed the exact question I had, which is this:
If Bethesda is eventually planning on filling out the Ark portion of this website, when are they going to do it? With about 5 weeks before the release date, and 6 outstanding maps (I believe there will indeed be 8 in total?), they would have to start releasing one a week, and perhaps two the last week, to get them all out before we can play the game and actually see for ourselves. So... why have we not seen more?
Because the maps are one of the least known about parts of Brink, I would have expected them to be released on a more evenly spaced out basis, thus keeping hype up until the big day. If we don't see maps being released frequently (aka, at LEAST one a week), soon, it means that there will be a rush right before the release date. I think that would be a bit silly as in the days leading up to the release, I'm going to be plenty excited without any new content being released.
Anyway. Could someone a ) Clarify the usual content release protocol or b ) at least tell me if I'm way off base?
What are your thoughts?