Hi all. I'm in the process of digging out Oblivion again after being away for a year or two

I've noticed a lot of updates and replacements for a lot of the mods I load, but haven't seen too much about the various item placement mods. Which mods would you recommend? I'm talking about placing books and furniture. I've tried auto book placer in the past, but the last time I tried it, it had issues with the variety of bookcases it supported. I think I usually wound up with book placement and decorator assistant. Apparently DA has some issues and I've seen suggestions about trying Redecoration instead. Opinions? I've already grabbed RD's better book collision and was planning on loading that.
I would also like to extend a hearty thank-you to all the modders still active in the community. It's really nice to pull these games off the shelf and be able to load in some new material to give them a nice refresh