It's been a long time since I've touched the cs but my basic knowledge still remains. I've been designing a small island for which a village will be placed and subsequently the main content of my mod however the textures I have placed on the ground are causing large areas of grass to appear in and around my buildings. They are also popping up under the fences and it looks atrocious. I know there is a way to reset the textures in a cell or paint over them with ones that do not have grass generation however I cannot for the life of me remember the hotkey.
If anyone else has any tips for making sure grass doesn't appear in and around the edges of my buildings, I would be very appreciative. I'm still relearning the cs after a few years

edit: I can paint over them but there is a maximum of 4 textures per cell, I am able to open the landscape editor settings fine.
edit2: Also, is there any way to force an autosave without making a cell change? I've got some intense dungeon puzzles and to have to redo them would be a definitely turnoff for many people including myself, especially the later ones.