When I go to a book store, I wanna go to the bookshelf, pick the book out and then take it to the store owner. Not talk to him, and magically my gold is with him and the book is inside my bottomless inventory.
When I go to the weapon store, I want to actually see the weapons that she is selling, to see if I like the looks of it. And I don't want her to sell anything that I cant see. And when I buy something, I want her to walk over to the display counter/cupboard where is is stored and for her to hand it too me, etc. I'd like more immersion in shops, basically.
Dark messiah style grapple hook... we can only hope... (if you ain't played it, go buy it now its amazing, like an action-oblivion)
Mount and blade style horse combat. More damage based on horse speed etc. I have no doubt we'll see some form of horse combat in skyrim.
Extreme weather. I wanna die if I stay outside for too long during a massive snow storm.
Im expecting a fallout NV style hardcoe mode. Need food, need sleep. Or you'll die. I also would like hardcoe mode to involve a realistically smaller inventory, so you can only take things that you really need.
I wanna make camp fires and put up tents to sleep in. And then I wanna be occasionally disturbed in the night to find a bear is eating the boar which is roasting on the camp fire. Possibly a mod... but bethesda would do a better job.
No doubt we'll see dismemberment... no doubt we'll see dual wielding... think thats it. For now