Antus had fought bravely the night before, but still his brother left him lying in the dirt without a thought. Vlaeder sighed and quickly removed Antus' shoes to replace the prison sandals he was so kindly gifted naught 3 days before. Glancing between his sack cloth pants and Antus' fine leather pants, he dismissed the thought of stealing them too, returning some of the dignity Antus had before death. Pocketing the few gold Septims he found, and taking the iron longsword, Vlaeder stood and turned. Something shiny caught his eye and he turned back, noticing what appeared to be the Odiil farm's key. Vlaeder picked it up and walked over to the farmhouse. He knocked, but no one answered.
Vlaeder hesitantly used the key, and opened the door. Rallus quickly rushed from one end of the house to the other, shouting.
"Leave now or I'll call the guards." With a glance outside, Vlaeder stepped in an closed the door.
"I came to speak with you and re-"
"Leave now."
"Antus is still lying out there in the fields and you won't even give him a proper place to rest before his funeral, damnit!" Vlaeder shouted.
"I'm warning you, get out!" Rallus replied, seemingly ignoring all Vlaeder's before statements. Vlaeder stood his ground, Rallus not even 6 feet away. After several moments, Rallus drew his iron longsword, seemingly out of his... Um... Tunic. Yea...
Vlaeder ducked, avoiding the first swing, and kicked the door open behind him. He rolled backwards, avoiding the next downward swing, and began to run. Rallus followed, still swinging.
After 8 minutes of running from the Odiil farm, Rallus still in pursuit, Vlaeder noticed a guard up ahead. He was about to shout when...
"HELP, I'M UNDER ATTACK!" The shout came from Rallus, who was still wildly swinging his longsword at Vlaeder. The guard quickly climbed onto his mare and trotted over.
"Break the law on my watch will ya?" He said, cutting off Vlaeder. Rallus swung again, this time landing a strike on Vlaeder who was unable to defend himself while the guard was looking at him.
"And look here, no gold to pay the fine? Off to the cell with ye." Vlaeder surrendered, another strike landing on his back.
"I hope you rot, criminal scum!"
For those of you say "TL;DR":
The NPCs are emotionless bastards who have no point of view but the one against yours. They leave their families to rot under a mound of goblins, and then say you're attacking them when you come close to a guard.
And I lost the shoes I took.