I've seen how some critics just break people down :meh: But anyway, I am quite fond of any and all Daedra, but most especially Dremoras. I don't know, they're just super coolio. B) So I'm going to be seeing how a Dremora in Cyrodiil would work out, the concept is that the character is immigrating from Morrowind into Cyrodiil, the rest I'll work out. Criticism is a must, but as said, go easy. I'll get to the writing now so I can stop spamming smileys ^_^
Chapter 1 ~ Cheydinhal
I could only imagine what horrors awaited me in my new homeland. I knew how much Imperialists didn't accept Daedra, but I could't live in Morrowind, not anymore. It wasn't safe anymore, I would have been endangered if I had stayed in Vvardenfell. But after thinking for a long time, I realized I was probably better off where I already was, but it was too late now. I was nearing the gate of a large town, one that I had seen hours before. Worried about the guards seeing my face, I covered my head with a hood. The guard finally saw me but did not see my face, but I still prepared myself in case he would have. I passed him and came to the gate, and attempted opening it. The huge wooden doors wouldn't budge, but I continued pushing.
"Hello, sir! You must be new here - I have to get that for you." the guard piped behind me. I simply scowled and turned the other way as he got the gate to swing open. "You have a nice day."
I didn't bother to turn to look at him, but instead walked to a clutter of buildings nearby. I read the signs, most shops. I spotted an inn and made my way to the door as quick as possible, pulling the bag on my back closer. I opened the front door and entered. To my relief, a Dunmer was at the counter; this was a good thing because Dunmer are more 'sympathetic' to Daedra of all kinds, well, at least in Vvardenfell. I came up to the counter and caught her attention.
"How much for a room?" I said, trying to make my voice sound as mortal as possible.
"It's ten coins. You sick or something? Your voice sounds a bit.. Distorted?" she replied. I pulled my bag off of my back and opened it, searching for money. I found a handful of coins that I had from Morrowind, and gave them to her. She studied them and looked at me with a puzzled expression.
"Erm, I mean coins from here.. As in, Septims, I don't exactly know what these.." she began saying before I took the coins back.
"I'm sorry, I suppose I'll go elsewhere." I commented, heaving my large bag over my back. Before being able to do anything else, the Dunmer sighed and put her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her hand on the thick robe that covered my shoulder.
"I'm guessing you're new in town, so I'll let you stay for the night. But unless you have money, you're out tomorrow morning." She gave me a grin and pulled her hand back. "Just don't ruin the room." I walked away and went up the stairs, only to hear another comment from the woman. "You should do something about your voice issue!"
The room was bare and empty, only a drawer and a bed. I closed the door behind me and locked it, then I pulled down my hood. My horns, long hair, and dark face were revealed. I dropped my large bag onto the floor, and opened it. I pulled out all my armor and my sword, putting it on the floor beside me. Throwing the bag to the side, I stacked the armor pieces on top of one another and put them under my bed, along with the sword.
I once again cloaked my face with a hood, and left the room. I made my way down the stairs and out of the building into the bright sunlight. I was walking past the church when a man came behind me and gave me a shove on the shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was a small little Bosmer in a clean, nice looking outfit - apparently an Aedra worshipper. He scowled at me and spoke with a weasel-like voice.
"You! I know exactly what you are! I've read about your kind.. I never thought I'd experience one of you in my own home town. You don't belong here."
"I have a right to be here. What are you going to do about it?" I said with my natural voice.
"You actually have no right to be here. Daedra are illegal in Cyrodiil. And you know what? I'll find out where you're staying and I will kill you." the short Bosmer said, filled with anger and rage. I sighed and grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him up close to my face.
"You wouldn't want to try. Trust me, I'll make sure they wont find any last bit of you." I said, growling. I let him onto the ground once more, but he went wild again.
"You just wait! We will get you.." He brushed his shirt off and ran off in the other direction. I decided to follow him.
I kept to the shadows and hid behind bushes until he finally went into his house. He was foolish enough to leave the front door unlocked, and I opened the door only a little bit to see where he was. I watched him storm down into his basemant and close the door behind him. I slowly entered the house and closed the door as quiet as I could. I began sneaking over to the stairs, and on the way taking a silver dagger from a table.
I explored the Bosmer's bedroom, searching for some place to hide. I noticed there was a closet in the corner of the room, and I immediately went in. I then heard the basemant door shutting and someone coming up the stairs. I waited and peeked out of the crack in between the two closet doors. The Bosmer entered the room with a bottle of wine in his hands. He popped the cork, sighed, and took a long drink from the bottle before setting it down on his desk. He then came to the closet to change clothes. He opened the closet doors and I pounced on him, pushing him to the floor. I covered his mouth and held him down.
"I'll make sure that nobody figures out our little secret. You know, I haven't tasted mortal flesh in ages." I said, sparking fear in the eyes of the Bosmer. He squealed loudly, muffled by my hand. I cut his shirt open with the dagger I had retrieved and dragged it across his chest. "Don't worry, it will only hurt a little bit." I made a large cut going down his chest, opening it up wide. The Bosmer screamed and cried when I shoved my hand into his chest, but was silenced when I got hold of his heart and tore it out.
I left the house and entered into the moonlight after hours of eating. I ran through the streets, the guards would find the remains eventually. I sprinted across the bridge and past the stone walkways, and entered the inn I was staying at. Without doing anything else, I ran straight up the stairs and toward my room. Once I was in, I slammed the door shut and locked it. I removed my hood and punched the wall, angry at what I had just done. I shouldn't have killed the little dwarf boy, I thought. He was just an intimidating person and shouldn't have been taken seriously. I turned to look out the window, but noticed a strange outline in front of me. In seconds, a man was revealed. He was wearing a long robe and a hood, his face was quite pale and he just kept on smiling at me.
"Hello. I have noticed your.. tasteful actions. I've only seen you once but I'm already a fan." the man said in a deep, smooth voice.
"Who are you and what are you doing in here?" I asked with caution.
"Oh, now where are my manners? My name is Lucien Lachance. I saw what you did to that young man, and I must say you are very brutal, but that is exactly what we are looking for.."
"We? Who is we?" I asked.
"The Dark Brotherhood. You may have not heard of us because of your.. ethnicity. We are a society of assassins, we are dedicated to the murder of individuals. We have noticed that you are a murderer, just like all of us. We want you to join us. We have never had anyone like you in our family, but make no mistake, you will be respected." Lucien explained to me.
"I understand.. What's the advantage for me?" I questioned before giving a firm answer.
"You will be paid, given a home, and given a family. Initiation is just one life away." I thought about it for a few moments, but I realized this might be rewarding. After all, I could leave when I wanted.
"I suppose. You have yourself a deal, Mr. Lachance." Lucien appeared satisfied and asked me a final question.
"Before anything, I must ask you your name."
"In the Deadlands and Vvardenfell my name is Methago Dhrur." I told him.
"That's all I needed. Please, report to the basemant of the abandoned house on the east side of town. You will be asked for a password, you must say 'Sanguine'. Tomorrow I will give you your contract to be fully initiated. Get all your things, I will see you there."
I went under the bed and got all my armor and put the pieces back into my bag. I got up and looked back, but nobody was there. I finally left the room and went back down the stairs and out the door, off to my new home. This all seemed very unreal, but it was happening. I was being accepted because I murdered a squealing brat, and I wasn't being treated differently because of my appearance. I was prepared to begin my new life.