Some of the vids showed people killing with LR with two shots, so I imagine that they put recoil on the LRs so there would be a delay between shots. It balances the weapon.
Kicking it off the target is different than simply adding additional time to the next shot. With the single shot rifle you already have to re-aim to take a second shot as opposed to the autos which you can hold the trigger and just follow the target. And I'm not asking for them to remove recoil from the LR, I'm merely pointing out that it's noteable on one weapon and not substantial on the rest. I'd rather see a little more bounce added to MGs.
The rifles fire one high-powered bullet. A scope doesn't make a big difference to recoil, btw. Only if it's a really, reeeaaally heavy scope.
The assault-rifles, SMGs and LMGs fire several lower-powered bullets.
I was making a reference to when you look through the scope, not the actual scope causing more recoil. It's the mecahnic in games that allows an SMG user who has little recoil and no sway to out snipe the sniper who has to contend with sway while lining the first shot and then recoil and re acquiring the target for a second shot. SMGs fire at substantially less power than an LMG, so there should be more noticeale recoil on the LMG when compared to the SMG.
The point was if you're going to place recoil on one weapon there should be recoil on all weapons. And it still seems like a waste of so many recoil reducing attachments if there's minimal recoil to begin with.