In TF2 public, one of the great difficulties in public servers is that the structure of the game requires a balance of classes to prevail, which is great. However, that need for a balanced team was probably amazingly hard to achieve, and I wonder if Brink will get that right.
- It's easy to imagine a medic to be necessary, but do you think a second medic will be a nuisance? A well received surprise? Or a necessity to have any chance of winning.
- It will probably be inevitable to have at least one or two soldiers, for the ammo. They will also probably compose the base of the team, so no problem there.
- Will an operative be needed? More than one? Or it will become the overplayed lone wolf unproductive team member like the spy in TF2. [My personal opinion, very argued, is that no TF2 team should have more than one spy.]
- An engineer will probably be required for missions and damage buffs. I have no idea of the negative effects of not having any, though.
In short: What are the limits of perfect team compositions you think we'll discover in six months to a year after release?
If I had to bet, I'd say either:
4 soldiers, 1 op, 2 medics, 1 engy
4 soldiers, 1 op, 1 medic, 2 engies