» Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:59 am
DaMage, I don't see the problem. I just did what I think you were trying to do and it worked perfectly. For reference, I am using Blender 2.49b, Python 2.6.2, PyFFI 2.1.5, and Blender NifScripts 2.5.5.
I made three Blender files: one with no animation, one with animation Forward, and one with animation Backward. I exported the no animation version with Geometry Only as a .nif, the second with Animation Only as a .kf and Anim Seq Name set to "Forward", and the third with Animation Only as a .kf and Anim Seq Name set to "Backward". For the Forward animation, I used three Rot keyframes at 1, 37, and 75 frames. 1 was at 0 degrees, 2 was at -120 degrees, and 3 was at -240 degrees. Playing the animation in either Blender or NifSkope showed the object rotating counterclockwise from 0 degrees smoothly to -240 degrees. The second animation was just the reverse, starting at -240 degrees and rotation clockwise smoothly to 0 degrees. If necessary, I can post the .nif.