This is my first time doing something like this....i have a pretty good idea of what i'm doing but please correct me if i do something wrong

Character sheet:
Alias:Shadow Assassin
Race:Dark Elf
Age:22 (Not in Elf Years)
Appearence: He is about Average in Height and weight.... Well toned and very strong muscles especially in back, legs, and arms (because of his Bow Drawback wieght) Dark Black hair and strange eyes, which are very bright blue with slightly skinnier pupils than normal (not as skinny as a cat or Sheogorath)
Eye colour:Bright Blue
Skin/Fur Colour:Dark Blue
Class Description/Skills: Ranger's are dark and mysterious. Very Good archers and extremely well at sneaking. The are also good with security, and some are good with swords, also illusion. Skills: Marksmanship, Illusion, Sneak, Security, Athletics, Acrobatics, and Short Blade
Spell(s): Shadow-walk (Invisibility 120sec on self), Petrifying Gaze (Paralyze 10sec on touch), Minor Heal Wounds, Constant Vigilance (Night Eye 30 sec for 150ft), Ranger's Enhanced Hearing(Detect Life 150 feet when standing still).
Weapon(s):Ranger's Standard Longbow (it looks like a longer version of the Dwarven Bow but it is made out of Wood)
Armour/Clothing:Ranger's Hood, Ranger's Leather Cuirass, Ranger's Gloves, Ranger's Greaves,, Ranger's Boots. They are all a Dark Greenish Brown Color for a slightly better Camouflage.
Misc:A Ring that was a family heirloom, left for him after his mother died from childbirth. He also Keeps a Black Robe for special night missions.
Personality:Fun but shy. He is Dark and Mysterious and keeps to himself, and mainly only interacts with his friends (which are few).
Deadric/Aredric Affiliation: Nocturnal
Biography: Faryn's Father was killed before Faryn was born, but he had enough money for his wife to continue living in Vivec in Morrowind. After Faryn was born his mother died and only left behind a ring which was put on a chain and given to a family friend, who raised Faryn. But when Faryn was 8 his "foster parents" gave him his ring and he was sent away because there were rumors that the family was to be assassinated. So Faryn was forced to wander the streets of Vivec and was soon captured and sold as a slave. The person who bought Faryn was and old scruffy looking imperial, who saw potential in the boy and felt sorry for him. The Imperial was part of the Imperial Forester in Cyrodiil. So Faryn and his Owner who insisted to be called Gaius. Once the got to Cyrodiil Gaius told Faryn that he was to live with him as a friend and he was to learn many of the skills that Imperial Foresters used in their day-to-day lives. They arrived a few days later at Giaus' cottage at the western tip of the White Rose River. Faryn started training vigorously in the skills of Marksmanship and Short Blade. He also secretly trained sneaking skills and security. Eventually he became a great marksman and Gaius taught him a simple Restoration spell. When Faryn turned 15 after his many years of training, he decided to go the Imperial and seek work. He got a small house in the Waterfront with money Gaius gave him, then he went in search of a job. He found a person who taught him the basics of Illusion. Then one day Faryn heard of the thieves guild and sought a way to get in. He started sneaking around at night and breaking into small homes and shops. One night he was caught and put in jail for a minor offense. The next day when he was released and a woman came up to him and gave him a note. It was from the Grey Fox and the Thieves guild! He went to meet the leader and completed the challenge he was given with ease. He started carrying out tasks for the thieves guild and eventually got to meet the Grey Fox. Eventually he got enough money where he moved. He build his own house out in the Solitude of The Great Forest and he continued honing his skills. When he was 20 he learned that the Count of Anvil had returned. He decided then that he would make a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Nocturnal. He was given a great task and he got a skeleton key upon completing the quest. He build a smaller similar shrine at his house. Soon after, a crazy anti-daedra High Elf stumbled across his home and attempted to desecrate the shrine, and that was the first time Faryn killed a man. He was torn by this and prayed to Nocturnal for forgiveness and searched for redemption but in the back of his mind, he enjoyed what he had done. He learned some new skills, including how to turn invisible and how to instill so much fear into a single person that they would become paralyzed. He started sneaking into small villages and even some city's and killing people and striking fear into the inhabitants of Cyrodiil. They even gave him a nickname, The Shadow Assassin. On his 22nd birthday he heard of the Howling Halls. Getting bored with his life of constant killing he went to do more killing, but mostly to investigate the strange happenings. He somehow was searching for the redemption asked for 2 years ago from Nocturnal, but he decided that the only way to do this was to start by Conquering the Howling Halls (if he could) and finding out what was going on and the Mystery surrounding the great Arena.