I've got a problem that is starting to bug me more and more as time goes by. For some reason, some of the characters in the game have different skin pigments for their body and face. For example, a black mans body and a white mans head. I've seen a glitch where this occurred on my xbox but I think that one of my mods may be at fault here

. I couldn't say which one, but I suspect it may be FOOK2... The following is a list of all my mods that I have installed:
Destruction, Arefu Expanded, Project Beauty, GNR More Where That Came From, S.I.K (GNR - Sound Improvement Kit), CRAFT, CALIBR, RH-Ironsights, COMM, FOOK2, MMM, Ammo Bench, Enhanced Weather, Fellout, CASM, Reykjavik (Iceland), Alternate Start - Roleplayers, Pipboy PDA, Solace, We Jazz (plugin for COMM), F.O.W.E, xCALIBRmunitions, Existence 2.0, Pilotable Vertibird, Underground City.