Finally! (Ideas)

Post » Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:06 pm

So I finally get my Oblivion game back tomorrow and was going to let people just post a class setup and roleplay for me and ill choose the best one and play as it. Or the one that the most people like. Start giving your ideas and ill see what happens :D
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:31 pm

So I finally get my Oblivion game back tomorrow and was going to let people just post a class setup and roleplay for me and ill choose the best one and play as it. Or the one that the most people like. Start giving your ideas and ill see what happens :D

How about a sixy mischievious fairy archer? :wub:

Name/Class: Tink / Pixie
Race/Gender: Wood Elf (Bosmer) / Female
Birthsign: The Apprentice
Specialization: Magic
Attributes: Personality, Speed
Major Skills: Mysticism, Restoration, Illusion, Security,
Acrobatics, Blade, Armorer

Health/Magicka/Fatigue: 60/180/140
Max Level: 51.5
Encumbrance: 150

- Command Creature (daily: 20 pt. Touch for 1 min.)
- Resist Disease (constant: 75 pt. Self)

- Weakness to Magicka (constant: 100 pt. Self)

INTELLIGENCE-40: Alchemy-20, Mysticism-30, Conjuration-10
WILLPOWER-30: Destruction-10, Alteration-15, Restoration-30
PERSONALITY-45: Illusion-30, Mercantile-5, Speechcraft-5
AGILITY-50: Security-25, Sneak-15, Marksman-15
SPEED-55: Athletics-5, Acrobatics-30, Light Armor-10
STRENGTH-30: Blunt-5, Blade-25, Hand to Hand-5
ENDURANCE-30: Block-5, Armorer-25, Heavy Armor-5

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elliot mudd
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Post » Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:42 am

How about a sixy mischievious fairy archer? :wub:

Name/Class: Tink / Pixie
Race/Gender: Wood Elf (Bosmer) / Female
Birthsign: The Apprentice
Specialization: Magic
Attributes: Personality, Speed
Major Skills: Mysticism, Restoration, Illusion, Security,
Acrobatics, Blade, Armorer

Health/Magicka/Fatigue: 60/180/140
Max Level: 51.5
Encumbrance: 150

- Command Creature (daily: 20 pt. Touch for 1 min.)
- Resist Disease (constant: 75 pt. Self)

- Weakness to Magicka (constant: 100 pt. Self)

INTELLIGENCE-40: Alchemy-20, Mysticism-30, Conjuration-10
WILLPOWER-30: Destruction-10, Alteration-15, Restoration-30
PERSONALITY-45: Illusion-30, Mercantile-5, Speechcraft-5
AGILITY-50: Security-25, Sneak-15, Marksman-15
SPEED-55: Athletics-5, Acrobatics-30, Light Armor-10
STRENGTH-30: Blunt-5, Blade-25, Hand to Hand-5
ENDURANCE-30: Block-5, Armorer-25, Heavy Armor-5

hahahahahahHAHAH, I like it. Lets see what happens
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Nathan Hunter
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