How many hours on a single character?

Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:23 am

I will do more running around with my next character to build hrs. but too me beating the game in as few hrs. as possible was my goal.

If I remember correctly, time passes accordingly when you fast travel as it would if you′re traveling normally so that′s not an issue. You do miss out on a lot of fun though and I don′t mean just battles. The scenery is among the many reasons my character never fast travel, as that can be considered teleportation and thus is not RP breaking.
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:52 am

Will have to look up, not sure exactly. Still my first character, since the very first one got deleted as MY COMPUTAR 'SPLODED!! :ph34r: (really PSU actually blew up)

Nearly approaching a year and a half in game, it would be a lot more if books were read in real time. Actually, I could have sworn that time passes as you are reading a book but I am likely wrong....
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:27 pm

If I remember correctly, time passes accordingly when you fast travel as it would if you′re traveling normally so that′s not an issue. You do miss out on a lot of fun though and I don′t mean just battles. The scenery is among the many reasons my character never fast travel, as that can be considered teleportation and thus is not RP breaking.

Time passes, but your hour count doesn't go up.

Will have to look up, not sure exactly. Still my first character, since the very first one got deleted as MY COMPUTAR 'SPLODED!! :ph34r: (really PSU actually blew up)

Nearly approaching a year and a half in game, it would be a lot more if books were read in real time. Actually, I could have sworn that time passes as you are reading a book but I am likely wrong....

The hour count goes up, but time doesn't pass - which actually annoys me.
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:00 pm

The hour count goes up, but time doesn't pass - which actually annoys me.

Yes. When I take a break, I save the game and leave it in the save menu. When I come back, I reload the save and continue playing. If I simply resumed from the save screen, the time of my break would be added to my character's hours. Annoys me also, but I have found a workaround. If my character spends 10 minutes reading a book, I don't mind if that is added to her hours counter.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:18 pm

My first character clocks in at 504 hours. A few others I've played for 169, 130, and 112 hours.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:05 pm

My first character clocks in at 504 hours.

Well, you′re on your way. Just a couple of hrs more and you can change your poll answer :P
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:12 am

My warrior that seeks to obtain as much power as possible and then protect his domain is currently at 73ish hours. Now, on the scenery. I play on the xbox, so whenever I look 20 feet in front of my character, the grass disappears. I cannot take a stroll down the road and be happy, because it looks... Incredibly stupid. And ugly. Well, not ugly, more just that I don't want to waste my free time looking at the barren landscape.
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:52 pm

I have used seven characters for a total of 1360 hours. Five of them maxed out between 150 and 400 hours. I can't see going over 500 hours on one playthrough even playing mods.
The 400 hour one is level 42, Listener, Arch Mage, Grey Fox, Master of the Fighter's Guild, Arena Grand champion, Champion of Cyrodiil, Divine Crusader, and Mad God while also playing Mehrunes Razor, Exploring Ivellon, owning Glenvar Castle, and a dozen other quest mods including OOO side quests.
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:31 pm

I'm beginning to feel a bit insecure about my Oblivion prowess now. I used to think I was the big boss. :blush:
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:17 pm

I only played one character at a time and if they died in the game I started a new character. The dower and brooding Severus Snape had over 700 hours when he died. I truly missed his cultured and clipped voice in my head. He had especially pithy comments as he dealt with the merchants who constantly low-balled his high value goods. His last battles, at level 50, were epic. At that level you fight only bosses and they have every perk known to the game. They also come in packs.

Sarrah, the passionate mage-turned-warrior who found combat erotic died at over 500 hours. Sarrah was the girl next door who went a little crazy when she realized her fantasies made her a killing machine that left death and destruction in her wake, Sarrah closed 38 gates and was working on 39 when a Dremora archer's arrows drove her off the edge of a bridge into a lava flow.

Angel, the child Mage was still active with over 300 hours when I finally put away the game. As far as I know, I am the only one who ever created a child player character. I used the PC console to resize her. It was just done on a whim mainly as the subject for a forum thread. i didn't really mean to play her but then out of curiosity I wondered what a child would do. I soon found out; she steals hearts. I know she stole mine.
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:01 am

I think it would have been better to go in increments of 50. I doubt you're going to see a single person pass your 1512 hours on a single character. For me, that would just be boring. The longest I've ever put into a single character was about 250 hours. It was my first character where I did all the quests and a bunch of other stuff.

I'd have to agree. I mean, Sharn gra-Yorha, the first of so far too characters I've made with my current install of Oblivion has currently only exceeded the 200 hour mark, and I already feel that I've spent a very long time with her. I certainly doubt she'll ever get to the 500 hour mark, it seems rather odd to be voting for the same option that my second character for this install, who has only exceeded 11 hours, would fall under, for her.

But there I answered the question anyway.
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:51 pm

I think it would have been better to go in increments of 50.

I'd have to agree.

Perhaps, but as I said this poll is actually made for the high-time characters. Further more if I had 50 in between the choices there would be far too many answer options before I even reached my mark at over 1500
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patricia kris
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:55 am

Wow, you guys have so many hours on characters :blink: . The most i managed was about 120 hours...and thats all :wub: ....and i dont think that i still have that character..
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:23 pm

Wow, you guys have so many hours on characters :blink: .

That′s because we don′t have girlfriends :lmao:
The most i managed was about 120 hours...and thats all :wub: ....and i dont think that i still have that character..

Maybe he just didn′t do it for you. The reason I only have one character that I keep following is partly due to the fact that in most games I′ve played, you never change your character. You can play the game over and over but it′s still gonna be that specific character and I′m used to that.
You might think that I would go nuts in this game where you can have as many as you like, but I don′t swing that way :thumbsup:
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