Firstly take a look at this ^.^
SCN DreamAwakingshort doOnceBegin onTriggerEnter Player if (doOnce == 0) DreamroomRightWake.enable Disableplayercontrols set CG02.PlayerReady to 1 Imod FlashbangISFX Imod DLC04fadetoblack Enableplayercontrols player.moveto COCREF set doOnce to 1 endifEnd
It works to 90% of what i want it to do now when this script is executed what i want to do is tell the script to wait a few seconds untill the DLC04fadetoblack effect has fully pitched out the screen and then i want you to be getting out of bed in thrid person mode if you know what i mean
other then that it works exactly how i need it to
im making a masion loosly based on stephen kings Rose red and dont know where to start when it comes to making the outside parts like land scape and walls so any help there would be good too =D