Class: Nisse
Race: Bosmer
six: Yes, please! :tongue:
Birthsign: The Thief
Specialization: Magic
Favored Attributes: Intelligence, Luck
Major Skills: Mysticism, Destruction, Illusion, Marksman, Light Armor, Blade, Armorer
Abilities: Command Creature (daily: 20 pt. Touch for 1 min.), Resist Disease (constant: 75 pt. Self)Description
Description: Nisse's are in the family tree of the Fairies, most closely related and cousin to the Pixie. Being a magical race, they have quirks most like any other. Very stealthy, nimble female creatures, who like pretty things. Originally, they were called Tomte, but decided they did not like this title. It did not sound at all pleasant to the tongue, nor feminine. They decided to approach the Nisse, another magical creature who today we call a Gnome, about this fact. You see, the Nisse are very mischievious, and cunning. After buttering up the old men with much flirtation, the old Nisse went away thinking their new title of Gnomes was much more manly than a sissy title such as Nisse! After swindling their new pretty name, the Nisse made no attempt to alter the history records. Rather, they found it quite hysterical that people believed their race to be hairy little old men that took care of farms. They had many fits of laughter, after much wine, describing how scary they were when they shapeshifted into a great big grizzly bear!!! :rofl:
Nisse were believed to take care of a farmer's home and children and protect them from misfortune, in particular at night, when the housefolk were asleep. The tomte/nisse was often imagined as a small, elderly man (size varies from a few inches to about half the height of an advlt man), often with a full beard; dressed in the everyday clothing of a farmer. However, there are also folktales where he is believed to be a shapeshifter able to take a shape far larger than an advlt man, and other tales where the tomte/nisse is believed to have a single, cyclopean eye. In modern Denmark, nisses are often seen as beardless, wearing grey and red woolens with a red cap. Since nisses are thought to be skilled in illusions and sometimes able to make himself invisible, one was unlikely to get more than brief glimpses of him no matter what he looked like. Norwegian folklore states that he has four fingers, and is hairy all over, sometimes with pointed ears. His eyes glow in the dark.
Factions: Typically, Mages Guild and Thieves Guild. No limitations, as they are very curious! If she joins the Dark Brotherhood, be very open to how your character can play this role. She might simply decide to examine each person in town, wondering if she could kill him, or her. She is extremely loyal, and if a dear friend is injured, her revenge is swift.
Equipment Restrictions:Typically, Nisse do not wear much armor, as they would much rather prefer to run around naked. They may wear only clothing, or a few choice pieces of light armor.
She finds axes, and maces to be unbeautiful weapons. Long swords are too cumbersome, she will not use them.
Perferring bows and daggers, they must be attractive light weapons. Don't be surprised if she's attracted to a Daedric bow or an Ebony dagger!
She may hunk around her alchemy set from one hideout to the next, as she relies on this skill to keep her out of jams. Or pickles! :teehee:
If you try to make her wear a shield, she may toss it off her horse while fast traveling. She finds them useless, as they only get in the way of her dagger.
She relies primarily on her sneaking ability, along with magical assistance of chameleon, or invisibility.
You may find it fairly difficult to level efficiently, as Nisse are very quick creatures. They walk fast, talk fast, eat fast and kill fast. But they take their time undressing, especially when being watched :blush2:
Roleplay Restrictions:They are very mischievous, impatient, and can become ill-tempered if they're not getting their way. For instance: when picking a lock, if it does not open within a few tries, don't be surprised if an open lock scroll becomes missing from your inventory. Don't expect this often though, as Nisse are very lucky :turtle: When in this flustered, upset state, elemental magic has been known to be cast on many creatures :flamed: Many are easily distracted, and quick to lose interest. This may cause your character to have quite a few open quests, yet unfinished. Simply, they do as they please. Annoyed by a lot of conversation, they are known to paralyze the source of the annoyance and walk away. Unless the target is of interest, she may first decide to check their pockets. This happens quite often, as Nisse are very attractive, and wear very little. What's very Ironic, is that Nisse become very talkative and giddy when they drink alcohol.
