I would love to have that on my desktop 
Can you send it to me? (I already use Rainmeter

Can you send it to me? (I already use Rainmeter

Sure thing!

I'm not sure if it was the best way to do it, but I couldn't figure out how to get both images to show up from one INI file (since I was just cannibalizing someone else's code), so I actually have two separate folders and INI files you need to place in your Rainmeter folder and enable if you want both. They're somewhat in the way, actually, so if you just want the countdown that's good too. You can disable The Anger by changing the last line in the BrinkCountdown.ini file to Hidden=1. Disable The Bug by simply not enabling it. Depending on your resolution you may also need to resize each images' resolution, as well as changing their positioning so it all lines up (X, Y, W, H values under [MeterImage]). The images don't automatically scale, so use a calculator to make sure you keep the right proportions. You can also change the text color and font. Just mess around with it till it looks right.
If you want to make new images use an editor that can work with alpha layers, such as GIMP, which is free. The archtypes from the second link in http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1181496-more-on-art/ is a good source of Brink-related art. Load one up in GIMP or whatever you use, and delete all the stuff you don't want to show up, such as the text. Then select Layer > Transparency > Add Alpha Channel. Now use the Fuzzy Select (select by color region), and select all the white around the image, making sure to get all of it, including what gets caught between gun slings, or whatever. Now choose Select > Feather, to feather your selection, so it doesn't look so rough. This will also add a nice glow around your character. Now simply delete your selection, and you'll be left with just the cutout of the character and the feathered glow around them. Save your image, put it in either of the new Rainmeter folders (depending on if you want one or two images), and plug the filename into the INI file. Or rename the new file (if it's a PNG) to "The Anger.png" (if in the main folder) or "The Bug.png" (if in the The Bug folder) if you're lazy. This will simply replace the corresponding image after you refresh the skin.
As to actually using it, all you have to do is refresh the Rainmeter menu, and then enable it/them from there. If you want it to be over your taskbar, set Position to Topmost. You'll also have to turn off Keep on Screen so you can drag it far enough down. You may also want to turn off Snap to Edges for easier and more precise movement.
Anyway, here's the file at http://www.mediafire.com/?awko0ty272ht76a.
Let me know if you have any questions.