i don't role play as myself - i am myself.
swordsman: i entered martial arts at a young age - learning kendo until most of my sparring partners went national/international, and i still won most of our sparring matches. i also fought fencers at a national level, so the way of the sword came easily. it's a little frustrating that my character can't use a sword as well as i can in real life =P
armor: we wear armor, obviously. i prefer light armor on my left (dominant) and heavy armor on my right, which i use to defend against counter attacks. especially against fighting sais, escrimas, tonfas, bo staffs etc (all dual weapons essentially). so wearing a mix of armors in real life is kind of second nature, just like in the game.
alchemy: i'm a biochemist in real life with a masters in chemistry. so alchemy is kind of required. i didn't focus on poisons. . . but cure disease is something i can put in a glass vial in real life (every organic chemist in the U.S. synthesizes acetaminophen on their first day).
archery: i've never fired an ancient bow. but the modern bow (m4a1) is fired frequently and i am accurate to about 2 MOA depending on ammo/conditions.
lockpick: a hobby a few friends and i picked up in high school, 5 pin tumblers still take a while, but 3 pins and wafers are not out of my league.
magicka: this doesn't translate well into real life - unless you consider loading dragon's breath into a 12 gauge magicka. . . the effects are similar.
my characters make the same decisions i do in real life (help the police, money to the homeless, small talk vendors for deals). i wander through the forests frequently (hiking). finding random animals and collecting their souls to put into a magical crystal which recharges - okay the last one is silly, but a lot of oblivion isn't that far off.