I just got through playing Red Dead Redemption and the weapons reminded me so much of the backwater rifle, pa's fishing aid, kneecapper (T3T's version) and lincoln repeater in Fallout 3. The problem is that these weapons are usually only equipped by the player and all of them are not only unique but some are unbalanced in combat. There's also 19th/20th century weapons mod, but many of those weapons suffer from the same lack of balance and rarity on actors in the game. I've never been one to use energy weapons or big guns in fallout games, always preferred hunting rifle/magnum style weapons and wanted to know if anyone out there would be willing to do a mod that creates weapons or weapon models of some of the Red Dead Redemption guns and adds them to the inventories of enemies around the Capital Wasteland.
Some ideas:
M1897 Pump Action shotgun
Volcanic Pistol
Schofield Revolver
Double-Action Revolver
Winchester Repeater
Springfield Rifle
Henry Repeater:
Rolling Block Rifle
Thanks in advance