Ethics in Games

Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:11 pm

A lot of the most skilled players I know of are really cool dudes who don't camp, use broken guns or setups, etc. But at the same time they mop the floor with the other team, legitimate style!

This is the difference between a skillful player with a sense of reality and honor and of one with illusions that whatever means and exploits are valid since they offer a personal win.
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:36 pm

This is the difference between a skillful player with a sense of reality and honor and of one with illusions that whatever means and exploits are valid since they offer a personal win.

Precisely. I find that victory is simply not satisfying unless I have actually earned it, and I don't feel like I really earned it if don't play fair. Plus I'm just a nice guy in general, and don't want to annoy people. Kill them yes, frustrate them no.
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Adam Porter
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Post » Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:39 am

Precisely. I find that victory is simply not satisfying unless I have actually earned it, and I don't feel like I really earned it if don't play fair. Plus I'm just a nice guy in general, and don't want to annoy people. Kill them yes, frustrate them no.


And if i am a bad player that complains/finds excuses i'd rather go hack or something instead of making a thread like this.Anyways,it is well know by now,common sense is not so common.
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:11 pm

there is more honor on the competitive scene, but then again you do come across an immature team every now & then. game ethics goes right out the window when you play public with randoms.

i say no holding back when it comes to public games. kill all the randoms. :flamethrower: :flamed:
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:40 am

If you want to make friends, play nice. If you want to have fun, play how you want. If you want to be respected, play fair. If you want to win, do what is necessary.

This does NOT mean you have to pick one of these to abide by. Take bad company 2 for example... most people abuse OP guns, teabag enemies, rage, teamkill, leave angry messages, abuse the map just to win. But these guys are pretty well known for the way they play, the top players in the game are notorious for spawn camping with the helicopters and leaving games if they don't get their helicopter. They pretty much play for their own enjoyment at the expense of others, and do whatever they can to win. If you don't do lame things like use rocket launchers to kill others, snipe the whole match, or use unbalanced weapons your opponents will know they died because you caught them, instead of dying because you had a lame edge on them with hardware. If you don't send hate mail, teabag, and message people "good game" after its over and it was close they will like to play with/against you. If you want to have fun, you don't HAVE to pick a class that is needed unless not doing so will get you spawn camped and distract from your fun... there are plenty of ways to play as a team using the weapon/class of your choosing to aid them and win. But at the end of the day, as long as you are trying your hardest to help the team and win, your teammates will like you because they know everyone was trying as hard as they were.

In bad company 2, most of the friends I play with are opponents that I contacted, or they contacted me after a game was over and was really intense. You don't see 1/3rd of you friendlies names when playing they are just "blues", but the enemies you die by are bannered on your screen at every death. Most people know your name, not by playing in your squad, but from playing against you. If you respect your enemy, they will respect you back.

If you spawn snipe, chopper wh*re, or spam the rocket launchers... it just means I'm going to try extra hard to knife you, blow you up, or couter rocket you respectively. Not because it necessarily is fun for me, but because most people don't realize how unfair and demoralizing their playstyle is until someone better at it than them returns the favor.
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Post » Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:54 am

Take bad company 2 for example... most people abuse OP guns, teabag enemies, rage, teamkill, leave angry messages, abuse the map just to win.

Yes,but they play in the rules of the game,i mean the game allows everything they do,they just exploit all the Devs left that way.My point is,do they really enjoy making all others feeling angry/fooled/abused?
Hell i can start playing their way,12 players in a match exploiting everything will enjoy it?If we all 12 have as our primary focus to spawn camp and staff like that?It's like putting together 12 hackers.I really would love to spectate a match with 12 cheaters btw,lol.

If you respect your enemy, they will respect you back.

This is a BIG true,most don't understand it unfortunatelly.
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Post » Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:42 am

Don't expect anything noble friend.

The thought process of each individual human can be as diverse as the universe it self.
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:54 pm

Personally I believe there is a code of honor, or the Gamer's Creed.

And I know that there are people out there who know the code and willing break it, just as there are those who have played offline for years and don't know. But you can usually tell the two apart.

@Eresis, because you have a PotC quote in your sig....There are also those out there who think of the code as more of a guideline...

I believe the creed is something like this.
Scream into the mic
Play music in the mic
rant on a lucky kill
take the game too seriously
rant on how you are a beast at EVERYTHING

*are exceptions such as
Tbag: game full of friends and nobody is taking it seriously
Swearing: Occasionally, not a rant of words
Camp: Well there is a difference between "Defending" and "Camping", and I trust that you know the difference
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:57 pm

As a purely PC and FPS gamer of many years, public and competitive, unfortunately you're almost all right in different ways. Why unfortunately? It means there's no one answer, no 'correct' way to play a game.

I must state at this point I'm talking about legitimate ways, like using weapons or tactics, not hacking or cheating. That just defeats the point of the game, in my opinion. It's just not fun.

Personally I wouldn't say that I have a set-out 'code of honour', but of course I have strong views on the subject. On a public server, the most important thing is to realise that the other players are there for just the same reason as you: to pass the time and enjoy the experience. It will always, always be more fun for you if you take this onboard and treat other players with the respect you think you deserve. I'm not even going to mention anyone who goes on a server as a troll or griefer for wont that this would devolve into a derisive extolling of the nature of their waste of life.

Competitively, one could say that 'all tactics should go out the window and it's about winning', and of course the saying 'all's fair in love and war' has meaning here. But this isn't a real battle. This isn't a matter of life and death. This is a game. What you're trying to do is gain satisfaction by proving that you are better than someone else, or that your team is more proficient at the game than another team. What satisfaction do you really get from not playing the game as it was designed to be? Prizes are rarely worth the lack thereof.

Now, as a student looking at surgery as a career I can't say I have particularly strong ethical sentiments (I'm too efficient and pragmatic) and I generally don't enjoy the company of those who spend all their time considering ethical issues rather than getting on with improving people's lives and the planet itself.

This is getting painfully intense, not to mention wordy, but there. That's my... view...

P.S. I use AudioFX headphones by eDimensional. The force feedback for lower frequencies is awesome, they're closed-ear, noise-blocking, incredible quality, have a great mic on a bendy stalk, and were twenty-five bucks! :celebration:
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Post » Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:21 am

Penny-Arcade has the best advice of how to act, "Keep Calm and Respawn."

The think the golden rule of on-line gaming should be, "Be a team player, be mature, and your microphone is not supposed to be used to test your DJing skills." Well, that last one is a personal gripe but I feel like some may agree with me on that.

There is no written code of conduct and because of that we get this:
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:34 pm

@Eresis, because you have a PotC quote in your sig....There are also those out there who think of the code as more of a guideline...

lol,no doubt.I should say "Parley" before every match? :P

treat other players with the respect you think you deserve.

This is perhaps the only "rule" we should have.If we are able to understand the simplicity of it that is...

There is no written code of conduct and because of that we get this:

Haha,awesome!So sadly true :)
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Post » Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:25 am

lol,no doubt.I should say "Parley" before every match? :P


Just call for it halfway through if you're not sure you can win. Or if you're bored enough that it's not worth the effort - get them to surrender and just hand over their XP.
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Post » Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:22 am

The only people I will show respect to is the people on my team. The opposing force gets no mercy! But at the same time, my belief is you have to show respect to get it in return. Nobody just gets "benefit of the doubt" respect from me. That's just the way I am and always will be.
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:56 pm

Difficult to argue with that, NME. ^_^
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