A Spell Mod for Oblivion
WIP by: Critterman, Hunter Parasite, Lyserg, and Sicarius
After postponing this mod for almost a year I have decided to pick it up again and hopefully release a playable version. I have completed a few spells while the mod was postponed, and we now have 31 completed, close to my goal of 50 for a release. The dungeon for this mod has been worked on before and a great deal has already been completed but some parts may be overhauled and much more needs to be added. The plot for the quest line has been made but the quest itself has not been started yet, I planned on creating the questline once we have completed enough spells. Since this mod has been postponed, and now restarted some of the team has left us and I now need a few more helping hands. No matter your skill level I will greatly appreciate any help towards the completion of this mod. I'm more determined than ever to release a version, and I assure you I will get some sort of version released for this mod.
Now, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions feel free to post any. Just remember that I am no longer taking any more spell ideas (though if the spell idea is especially good I might make and exception

Long ago when the aylied reigned Cyrodiil a group of aylied scholars lived in a secret aylied fortress named Torzhakt. Thoindan, the master spell crafter lead it all. He was said to have connections with the very Nine. The amazing spells he created would leave the later Imperial University dumbfounded. Adventurers would hear odd and whimsical sounds of Thoindan and his minions' spell crafting. Night and day, they used the very powers of the Nine. Then one night it all ended in a freak accident. A spell experiement went wrong and the whole aylied fortress was shooken to the very foundations. If it wern't for Thoindan's magical shields that kept outside elements out, there would be no telling of what evilness would have swept Cyrodiil. Their intentions were never found. Some say that Thoindan was planning to take over the world with one sweep of a hand, creating the ultimate control spell. Others say he was just a crazy, power-hungry lunatic that seemed to like crafting spells in the secret.
Centuries later find an adventurer saving Cyrodiil from an looming disaster from deadra. The adventurer eventually learns of this legend and decides to learn more. The adventurer asks many scholars and old spell weavers for the real answer to the mystery. The adventurer finally finds a very old man that rambles on riddles of ancient aylieds. Any other man listening to this man would have heard gibberish and concluded that the old man was insane, but the adventurer knew better. Many quests and hard trails proved to teach this adventurer of people and who to trust. This adventurer saw the truth in the old man's eyes and knew that his riddles were actual directions to this legendary alyied ruin. All the adventurer needed was the intelligence to solve the riddle, and the strength and willpower to fight the coming battles that will occur in a far off, secluded and forgotten, aylied ruin.
This is where the quest starts off and were you, the player, solve the riddle and find this aylied ruin.
This mod will be OBSE dependent!
There arn't very many screenshots of the spells as most of them do stratigic things and arn't very visually amazing. Here are the ones that we have though:
Spell List
Total Ideas: 166
Total Deducted: 7
Total Completed: 31
Total Left: 128 (23% complete)
The Team
Critterman - Lead Modder/Lead Scripter
Hunter Parasite - Exterior and Interior Designer
Sicarius - Scripter
Lyserg - Editor
Joining the Team
I'm always looking for help, no matter what your moding experience is I can use your help. We especially need scripters, because of the nature of this mod. I accept all kind of modders though. Post a request here on this forum or e-mail me at critterman9(at)hotmail.com. I check both often.
We really need Interior/Exterior designers, scripters, and modelers!
I also need some helpful people to come up with unique (or existing?) riddles that lead to Torzhakt. You don't need to join the team for this (though I will credit you in the readme if you like). Just PM me the riddle, or e-mail me riddle (see above), as posting the riddle here with the answer wouldn't be the greatest idea

Previous Threads
First thread: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=846450
Second thread: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=849659&st=0