No Spamming Allowed! :nono:
4. Spamming/Cross-posting are not allowed.
Spam is the posting of advertisemants, abusive, or unneeded messages on Internet forums. Off topic comments, or posts that have little or no relevance to the subject being discussed, or a post that does not contribute to the thread and repetitive threads are all considered spam on this forum.
Bumping, or posting to bring your thread to the front is also considered spam here. If you have asked a question and it has not been answered, please be patient. If it falls to the third page or so, you may post to bring it forward once after several hours but doing so more than once will get your topic closed and a warning for spam.
Crossposting is asking the same question via starting a topic in more than one section of this forums. This is not allowed. Please note the different sections and try to post in the appropriate section.
Should you realize you have posted in the wrong section, please ask a moderator to move it by using the report button to ask. The moderators will be happy to assist you with getting it to the appropriate section.
Furthermore, please do not post in ALL CAPS as it's rude and spammish. This goes for posts and thread subjects; thread subjects also shouldn’t have gimmicks and what not intended to catch people’s attention, such as starting and ending it with a string of asterisks.
Post here if you want to introduce yourself.