Atari 2600 first, it was my dad's and it appeared from cupboard when I was like, five or something, lol, then a NES, my dad cut his thumb at work and got a compo pay out and came home with a Commodore 64 for me, with like a five game package including Platoon, and Great Escape. I remember it well, and it was Epic. lol My NES went to my little brother. From then I got computers, Amiga, Atari ST, then first desktop PC, then another PC, and another PC, meanwhile my brother was going from NES, (got a Gameboy each somewhere between here) SNES, (got an Atari Lynx each [if the Gameboy didn't do so well I would love to have seen handhelds evolve from the Lynx instead of cheap-ass monochrome tat] somewhere here) to PS, N64, we shared a room so we pretty much shared everything.
When we argued the only consoles we shared were the ones we'd bought together or got as joint presents, Atari Jaguar, NeoGeo, Panasonic 3DO, Phillips CDi (fart noise). Shared a Playstation, I bought a Dreamcast, my brother bought a PS2. Dreamcast died a death, I got an XBOX. Moved out, gave my XBOX away, didn't own a console for a few years til the 360 was released. Just had PCs. When I got the 360 it was the first time I got rid of and went without a PC. Bought a PC again after playing Fallout 3 on 360, and after getting more and more frustrated with the [censored] controls of 360 shooters. Got a PC and 360 now.
My brother's got his own house, lives with his girlfriend and son, and has since purchased all the things he wanted when we'd been younger (Mech Warrior controller and stuff), and has re-bought all the consoles we'd gotten rid of through the years. He owns pretty much everything from Nintendo Game and Watch stuff to all current consoles, although his girlfriend wants him to get rid, he's keeping hold of 'em all and said he's gonna be raising his son on retro consoles and systems, and he's gonna bring him up through the generations of consoles. lol
Like, a year on the 2600 and the like, the next on the NES and Master System and the like, and on and on, up and up... right on up to modern systems as he gets older. lol He's gonna raise my nephew with a full appreciation for the evolution of video games. lmao He hates that our nine-year-old foster brother is playing 360 and Wii games without batting an eyelid as to how far the technology's come. lol Ha ha. He gets genuiney mad with my dear ol' mom for expanding my foster brother's library of games when he doesn't complete half of those he already owns. I think it's like a regressive jealousy or something, or a guarded Nerd Rage or something, not sure. My brother is a card.
I'm currently looking forward to Skyrim, Trapped Dead (one day to go woo), and RAGE (long way to go

)... currently re-playing Dead Rising 2 (PC), between plays of Fallout: New Vegas (third play-through), and WAR, which for whatever reason I can't stop playing. Games in recent years I've enjoyed have been Wolfenstein, BioShock, Fallout 3, Tomb Raider: Underworld (gimme a break I;ve grown up with Lara), Assassin's Creed, Gears 1 - 2 only when co-op'ing with my brother, Dragon Age: Origins and Awakenings. Always going back to games like AvP2, Icewind Dale, Medieval, Rome, and Medi 2 Total War, uhm... played literally hundreds of games over the past few years. I wish I'd kept GTA style stats of play-time and number of games played in my lifetime. Hmm, maybe I should suggest that to my brother for my nephew? lol