» Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:24 am
This is based on my interpretation feel free to point out faults.
But from what i heard you could bund different equipment load outs to hotkeys, to have city wear and dungeon crawling gear separate.
What i was hoping from that is that we get some ability to pick apart armor sets and use them in different sets.
So lets say you wipe out a bandit camp and decide to supplement your armor for theirs. One has leather, one in iron plate, and the last in chain.
So they all have full sets, but you decide to mix and match from them, you decide to take the iron plate gauntlet and pauldron for your shield side, the chain to protect your chest and legs, the leather boots and greaves, and no helmet, because your reckless like that.
So from these 3 full sets, you make your own.
Unlikely I know, but it sounded fun in my head.