Male or Female Player Character?

Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:01 pm

Perversion? That's ridiculous in the extreme. Like the word "professional", it is far too elastic. I find bigotry and violent racism far more perverted than I do the hint of a nipble, or the shot of an ample backside. As for the issue of clothing and gender, I wonder what the impresaria and most prolific modder of many things scintillating Alienslof would say, given that she is indeed a woman, and an extremely talented one at that. Her offerings are so seriously creative that many here assumed she was a "he", more than likely from that very same attitude. It's those kind of sweeping generalizations that really need to be looked at before stating as fact, especially when you actually read that the "skimpy" clothing has been made by many a female modder, and the loving marry-albe companions have been scripted by menfolk. Imagine that.

When I have played a female character, it was always as an extension of those I played in other games. My wife and I always played as "sisters of destruction" when we would co-op play with Champions of Norrath or Return to Arms. So when Morrowind came about, we would make our characters and talk about what each of us was doing on our separate computers.

For now, I am just enjoying playing a character with looks or talents likened to myself, because as a disabled artisan, I can enjoy a little sad living vicariously through my character. You know, freeing slaves. Saving damsels and dapper Dans from distress, being a hero. Raising orphans and living as a chieftain with the Princess of Lokken.

That kind of perverted stuff. ; )
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:14 am

Read my post again. "The majority of males playing females for perverted reasons." (":rolleyes:") As in, the majority of males who play females doing so for perverted reasons.

And it's funny because nudity doesn't directly correlate to perversion. Arena and Daggerfall both had nudity, it didn't mean it was supposed to be mastvrbation material for pimply pre-teens. It meant that when you took all the player's clothes off, s/he wasn't wearing clothes. WHAT A TWIST.

Were you being sarcastic? Because thats what I thought.

I meant The majority of male playing as females are doing so for perverted reasons. *cough* my brother *cough* Its like a 1000 : 1 ratio.

@ Breton_Paladin You aren't making any sense. It sounds like your trying to insult me.

I'm going to stop arguing this, because the moderator said so.

Edit: @Breton_Paladin if you make one more ignorant statement, I might explode. I don't want to fight, but your posts are really insulting. I never said I was the only male who played as a female character without perverted intent.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:16 am

These topics rarely fare well, but I had hopes that this one would be an exception and not fall prey to the insensitive, inflammatory and unnecessary remarks that brought down the others. Pretty disappointing.

Topic closed.
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carrie roche
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