These are all valid criticisms of not just Oblivion but of Morrowind as well. Many amongst here on the forums have felt the TES series being "streamlined", "focused" and in general just being developed for a much broader market. The pros and cons, and arguments have raged as long as I've been here. Personal preferences aside, I have great respect for what each game has accomplished and enjoy all thoroughly.
And some advice;
Could you please not use all colored font in your posts?
Isn't this much better? ↓I started playing tes with oblivion, then i played daggerfall and noticed how it was kinda better then obvlion, mostly quest some aspects of quest i really hated such as not being able to fail a quest or how unrealistic it is to agree to do a quest then not do it for months remember it then go do it for the same reword, or how you can become the leader of a guild and not have any responsibilities or authority over people and the guild. like becoming archmage and only being able to have people follow you (the worst part is over hearing the people in the academy talk about a new discovery and saying they should discuses it with the archmage but they never talk to you).
I also think it would be cool if randomly a tavern owner or storekeeper gave you a random job like delivering a letter or retrieving something from a randomly selected dungeon. the only quest i really enjoys was "shadow over hackdirt" and the daedric prince quest's.
It's painful to read, and may cause people to bypass what you have to say. Please and thank you.