I got 1.0.4 yesterday and tried it out a bit before I noticed 1.0.5 was out, so I upgraded to the new version. Just a few bugs/problems...
The Google translation option worked in 1.0.4 (though it still only worked for the first sentence), but it stopped in 1.0.5 again.
The Find and Replace doesn't seem to be working (I like the upgrades, though

For some reason, if I translate dialogue and then click "Save Project", it doesn't save the changes to the base file. They appear in the xml file, but not in the project itself. If I click "Save esp", it will merge them properly. I'm not sure why it's doing this for dialogue, since everything else is saved properly.
The readme says that you can translate scripts by clicking on the plus sign, but this is unnecessary - all the scripts that require translation (i.e., have message output) are listed as subentries below the SCPT entry, so you can go to each one individually and translate it like anything else.
And finally... when I click on the Load Plug-In Database button and choose any of the files, I get an error message: "Error while loading the Database:" but no description, just that message.