Wow, just wow. The Morrowind community has the, and we from the Oblivion community tell a modder to "just write it down on a piece of paper".
I'm deeply ashamed.
Antrix, concerning your question: You should ask something like that in the Construction Set forum, not here (for example, in the "Quick Questions, Quick Answers" thread).
However, it works like this:
short attribute ;makes a "short" variable (i.e. whole numbers) called "attribute"set attribute to ( Player.GetAV Luck ) ;sets attribute to player's luckprinttoconsole "Player Luck is: %.0f", attribute ;prints the message to the console - %.0f is the placeholder for a number which has 0 decimal places
You can write many of those %.0f placeholders in a row, and then write an according number of variables behind the message, all separated by a comma. The variables will be shown in the order you wrote them down.
Edit: The actual script is, of course, more complicated than that. If you need help writing the whole thing, I suggest you take a look at the tutorials on the CS Wiki.