» Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:26 am
Open TES4Edit
Tick only the ESP with the problem
Click OK
Expand Oblivion.esm > Activator
Right-click ANY Activator record, and choose "Copy as override into..."
Tick "new file" from the selection list
Type a filename into the new box ("zzTEMP" will do)
When asked whether to make Oblivion.esm a master for zzTEMP.esp, choose YES
Expand FaultyMod.esp so that you can see the records which are presently in the wrong location
Right click each misplaced DIAL record and choose option "Deep copy as override into..."
Tick zzTEMP from the selection list
When asked whether to make FaultyMod.esp a master for zzTEMP.esp, choose YES
This should place a duplicate of each faulty record into zzTEMP.esp, still misplaced
Now right-click each misplaced record in FaultyMod.esp and choose "Remove". When asked to confirm, choose YES
Now right-click on FaultyMod.esp > Dialog Topic, and choose "Add > DIAL - Dialog Topic"
When asked for a "New Form ID" type a Form ID to match the first misplaced DIAL record
Now left-click on the newly created DIAL record in FaultyMod.esp, you should see both the blank new record just created and the matching record in zzTEMP.esp
The data can be dragged across from the record in zzTEMP.esp into the record in FaultyMod.esp, so drag from the right side to the left side until the records show fully green
Now right-click on the newly created DIAL record in FaultyMod.esp and choose "Add > INFO - dialog response"
When asked for a "New Form ID" type a Form ID to match the first misplaced INFO record within the DIAL record you've just recreated
Again, drag from right to left the data from the INFO record until all shows green
Repeat for any additional INFO records in this DIALOG record
Now start on the next misplaced DIALOG record, creating anew, dragging the data, creating the INFOs within, dragging the data
Exit TES4Edit and ensure FaultyMod.esp is ticked (you can untick zzTEMP.esp, you don't need to save it) then click OK
Stand on one foot, swing a rubber chicken around your head, and recite the traditional praise for Sheogorath backwards
I think that covers all steps in enough detail.