In-game... clan... system? I don't understand. Enlighten me.
PS3 games like killzone and socom have an in-game clan system where u can challenge other clans to a match to improve ur rating or clan ranking etc
its not just a random match
in kz2 u could have setup tournaments from ingame and a time when it starts and teams would get a notice 15mins before the game starts that the clan lobby is up for the match, u win u advance to the next round and u usually have like a 30mins-1 hour break before the next match, SOCOM 4's in game clan system is that u enter the clan challenge section and officers or the leader can make a clan lobby, once made u will see a list of clans on the right hand side of the screen who are also in a clan lobby in 1 of 3 statuses
1. not ready
2. ready
3. in a challenge
once u have everyone u want in ur lobby u ready up and can either challenge another clan that is ready or have them challenge u to a match in a best of 3 series
now i dont think BRINK will have something as elaborate as this but what im hoping to at least get is a way to challenge other clans or get matched up against ppl of similiar skill lvl
Private matches are an option but that puts alot of hassle on the users who wanna play competitive games to go out and look for opposing clans, ask them for a challenge, hope they accept and then set it up via private match whereas with the systems i described above its more streamlined and alot less stressful to get competitive games goin