First of all I hope that there won't be a changable difficulty setting. What I mean is that I hope that everyone automatically plays on the same difficulty and there is no way to change it. The reason being that I want this is because it would make it feel more like an RPG. No online MMORG's ever have a difficulty in wich you can change it from very easy to easy or to hard or to very hard. They all have a set difficulty wich is the same for everyone. The way that the difficulty changes is based on your level and skills. That is how it should be in Skyrim. For instance, in Oblivion if the difficulty is on the easiest and you just came out of the sewers, you can basically kill anything in the game with the low-level skills and equiptment. Also if you are on the highest difficulty setting then everything is next to impossible, even if you have the strongest armor and weapons and are level 50. Thats they should make it so that you still see bigger and stronger enemies as you level up but so that you are not able to take them on too easy enless you have good items. Basically that means that the level of your character is your difficulty rather than an option to change it.
Next they should add more base sets of armors and weapons. They should still throw in quite a few different unique sets of armors in wich you can only find in one place, but there should defidently be more unenchanted types of armor and weapons that you will find based on your level. For instance in Oblivion, you could make it to level 50 (and higher if you do certain things), yet the last set of armor and weapons stopped at 20 wich was Daedric. Why should we go another 30 or more levels without unlocking anything else? Thats why there should be quite a few more sets based on your level. That leads my to my next idea wich would be that every race in the game should have their own type of armor. Elven and Orcish are in the game and Dwarven is but you can't even be a Dwarf anyway. People were talking about Nordic Armor wich is a good idea. What about Argonians and Khajits? I dont know about Khajits but Argonians sure dont belong wearing human armor. A nice tribal set of Argonian armor would be nice. What do you think?
My final idea for now is that they need more guilds. I would be interested in more non-combat related guilds. Alchemy could be more involved in the mages guild. Also they should split the marksmen skill out of the fighters guilds. I think an archers guild or somewhere in that area would be nice. Although bows are used by both assassins and fighters, there should still be a guild devoted to just plain archery rather than assassinations by bows. Also if mining and smithing are actually in the game then they could maybe be their on guild or at least be part of the fighters guild. They should also have more variety in the types of guilds. Rather than guilds based on a certain skill, they could have a guild for certain people who do certain things. Maybe like a level 50 guild (of course it would be called something else). Basically guilds for certain accomplishments achieved by the player. I realize they have different factions which resemble what I am saying but what I mean is a guild in which you already do something great and then join a guild with certain requirements and are then faced with multiple hard challenges for the player to complete. I would like this because it would give you a bigger and better challenege after reaching that highest level in which you think there isn't much left to do, until you come across this guild.
Well thats all for now, post your ideas.