Anyway with this new motherboard I am going to be getting much wider spacing between my 2 cards, and thats all it needs as I have tested in a friends computer the spacing with my 2 cards : ) From full loads being at over 97c to dropping down to about 70-80c clearly shows me that more spacing was all they needed (obviously)
But in terms of the motherboard its self, what are your thoughts? Yes I COULD of got an Asus Rampage III Extreme but decided against it for 2 reasons, 1 this board was a little cheaper and 2 I just preferred the feature set on this one. I don't think the Asus Rampage offers TO MUCH advantage over this board unless of course I choose to go watercooling and wish to overclock my via Iphone, which I will do via the controller I get with the board anyway)
But yeah, other then the reasons I bought this motherboards, what are your thoughts on it? A good upgrade? A small upgrade but the benefit makes up for it? A terrible upgrade? Let me know.
Thanks guys, I have read the GURU3D Review and they loved it.