If eval (ar_Find spell aaBirthsignNPCQ.Birthsign)!= -99999.0;aaBirthsignNPCQ.Birthsign is an array with the birthsign spells, initialized in another script. Maybe I should carry it over here as another array_var?
Pulled directly from the post, it looks like the line is bad - there should be a space between ")" and "!=". Also try a space between the number and the comment (eval can be tricky, but I think it can pick up on comments and ignore them). Hmm.... maybe it's also running it as if (eval arFind...) != -99999.0? Try some more parenthesis ((arFind...) != -99999.0). Final test if none of that works, print out the return print (ar_Find spell aaBirthsignNPCQ.Birthsign)