I was reading the thread about DRM going to far, and thinking my question is not part of the thread, I thought I would make a new one. I do not know much about secure rom but reading it abit, and seeing how it can make games not playable later, (how this works I have no idea), how can I tell if I have secure rom installed in my computer? One of hte reasons why I play consoles, is so I don't have anything installed on my PC that I don't know is installed.
So I would like to know, how I can tell if I have securerom installed on my PC? If I do have it, how do I unisntall it? I only have Morrowind and a few games from Impulse installed on my PC right now, so I don't think I need secure rom installed. If I do have, should I leave it on? I just hate things being installed on my PC that I didn't want it installed or notified that it is being installed on.