The Journal of Aldrich Vintarius

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:54 pm

The Story of Aldrich Vintarius
CHAPTER 1 - Prologue

Edit: This is my first time writing this stuff so please don't be upset if it's not uber

Aldrich Vintarius is an Ex- Imperial Legion Soldier, he enlisted with the Legion at age 24, starting off as a simple guard in the Imperial City, keeping watch over the Market District.

About a year later he was ordered to go, with the aid of four other guards, to hunt down and kill a small gang of bandits that had been terrorizing the nearby village of Weye. When he met with his fellow guards in the barracks they revealed to him that it was not going to be as easy as it had originally sounded. A scout that had been sent to the camp where the gang was holed up revealed that the bandits were actually a large group of Heavily Armored and geared marauders. There were expected to be as many as five of them at camp with three look outs posted around the perimeter, and a conversation the scout had overheard lead him to believe the gang's leader was inside the nearby Ayleid ruins with as many as four personal guards.

This was not the only surprise however, as one of the guards revealed to Aldrich that HE would be commanding the squad of guards, to test his knowledge of tactics, how well he could keep his cool, and his ability to keep up ally moral in the heat of battle.

Aldrich determined it would be best to wait for nightfall, to catch the marauders off guard, and hopefully most of them would be asleep, he also decided to get to know the soldiers he had at his disposal. The first was Vontarius, an average soldier skilled in using sword and shield, and one who could handle a bow if need be. The second, Fredrick, was very large man, built like a tank, and as stubborn as an ogre. He preferred to use a large mace to crush his opponents, as well as intimidate anyone who he did not agree with. The third, Valanor, was a slim man, looked barely fit enough to be in the legion, but he was actually one of the most skilled archers in Cyrodiil. The last was a man that did not reveal much, only that his name was Alcott, and that his preferred weapon of choice was his silver longsword, with no shield or secondary weapon. After that they spent the rest of the day on break to socialize and prepare.

When the sun was setting over the horizon Aldrich re grouped with his squad outside of the city gates and headed for the enemy encampment. While passing through Weye Fredrick wanted to stop by the inn and have a drink before continuing their mission, but Aldrich knew that it would be better not to draw attention to themselves and joked with Fredrick a bit, but as they started to leave the village he said

"I'm sorry friend, but I'm going to need you clear headed for this one, after all we wouldn't want you confusing us for iron-clad marauders and start bashing our skulls in with that big hammer of yours now would we?".

Just as they reached the outskirts of the camp the sun finally set over the hills, and night laid its dark veil over the land. Aldrich brought with him a flask of Shadowbanish Wine that his father had given to him when he joined the legion, he figured that now was as good a time as any to use it, and so he took a drink from the flask.

"Here." he said, offering the wine to Fredrick.

Fredrick took it from his hands and said with enthusiasm "You sly dog, I thought it was important to remain clear headed for this mission!"

"It's Shadowbanish Wine." Aldrich replied, "It's a special brew that supposedly enhances your ability to see in the dark."

"Ah, so this is different because it's a 'special' drink now is it?" Fredrick stated in a playful voice.

"Well that, and I know you won't drink a whole keg of the stuff... or invite any beggars to 'sleep' at your house afterwards." Aldrich replied jokingly.

"Damnit, that's only a rumor!" he almost yelled "I told you that before!"

Fredrick finally took a drink and passed it on to the others, who were still laughing amongst themselves on the matter of Fredrick's "invitation". They quieted themselves and each drank from the flask before passing it back to Aldrich who stored it in his pack. As the wine took effect the blackness of night slowly turned into shades of blue, and Aldrich could easily identify his surroundings. When he asked his squad if they too had succumbed to the effects of the wine they all nodded, and he gathered them around and told them what they needed to do, and so the plan was set in motion.

Aldrich, Valanor, and Vontarius located the three lookouts, and when they were all in position they fired their bows, each shooting an arrow that found their mark in the head of a lookout. They quietly entered the camp, doused the fire, and executed the five marauders that were fast asleep in their tents. Fredrick, however, became over confidant, and entered the ruins ahead of the squad, moving quickly, and ignoring his surroundings, the three things they taught you NOT to do in when you were a guard in training. The rest of the squad ran in after him, but it was too late. By the time they forced open the heavy stone doors Fredrick had activated a trip wire, and a large, spiked log swung down from the ceiling and impaled him, killing him on impact.

Aldrich hesitated, but removed Fredrick's body, and placed him outside before wiping the blood off his face and closing shut his eyelids. The group said a prayer for him but knew that they had to continue onward. As they made their way carefully through the ruins they came across the leader and his guards, who wore polished armor and had weapons of fine quality at their disposal, but neither their armor nor their weapons made up for the fact that they were easily overpowered by the superior skill and strength of the guards, and within two minutes the fight was over, all 5 marauders lay slain and only Vontarius suffered a wound, cut across his side. They were victorious.

"Valanor, take Alcott and investigate a bit further into the ruins to check for any remaining marauders." Aldrich commanded, "I'll stay here and bandage up Vontarius."

"Yes, of course." Valanor replied.

Just as Aldrich had finished bandaging Vontarius he heard a loud scream from deep in the ruins. Aldrich told Vontarius to remain where he was and so he grabbed his sword and shield and proceeded further into the ruins, yelling out for Valanor and Alcott constantly, but there was no reply. As he finally reached the end of a system of tunnels he saw Valanor's mutilated body laid in the middle of the floor, spread eagle, with blood still gushing from his wounds. He moved forward slowly to examine the body, but he soon heard foot steps coming from behind him, he turned around quickly, attempting to block a blow that he predicted was coming, but was too late and the blunt end of a sword's hilt came crashing in to his head, knocking him out cold.
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:08 am

This is much improved over your first version! You have broken your paragraphs into nice forum-friendly pieces. There is action, some comaraderie, some tragedy and an ominous cliffhanger. I was pleased to see you incorporate some dialogue here - it really helps to bring your characters alive. Your lack of typos/errors continues to be impressive. In fact the following is the only one that jumped out at me:
Fredrick finally took a drink and passed it on {you want to add the word 'to' here} the others,

Suggestions as you move forward:
- Incorporate even more dialogue. The little pieces that connect dialogue or tell who is speaking are called 'speech tags'. Punctuating them is tricky. I recommend you google 'speech tag punctuation' and do some digging and studying on it.
- Continue to work on the elusive 'show, not tell'. This guy said it well:
Don’t tell me the moon is shining, show me the glint of light on broken glass.

As you incorporate those two things, you will find your stories will cover much less ground per episode. Don't fear that. It is better to linger on one revealing encounter than to summarize the clearing of an entire dungeon.
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:57 am

This is much improved over your first version! You have broken your paragraphs into nice forum-friendly pieces. There is action, some comaraderie, some tragedy and an ominous cliffhanger. I was pleased to see you incorporate some dialogue here - it really helps to bring your characters alive. Your lack of typos/errors continues to be impressive. In fact the following is the only one that jumped out at me:

Suggestions as you move forward:
- Incorporate even more dialogue. The little pieces that connect dialogue or tell who is speaking are called 'speech tags'. Punctuating them is tricky. I recommend you google 'speech tag punctuation' and do some digging and studying on it.
- Continue to work on the elusive 'show, not tell'. This guy said it well:

As you incorporate those two things, you will find your stories will cover much less ground per episode. Don't fear that. It is better to linger on one revealing encounter than to summarize the clearing of an entire dungeon.

Thanks for the feedback :) I fixed the error you mentioned and I'll be sure to incorporate more 'imagery' (I think that's the right word) and dialogue in future chapters.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:11 am

I have decided that so I don't waste forum space I will combine groups of chapters into one topic. This one will most likely contain chapters 1- 10.
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Sweet Blighty
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