P.S. You don't have to just talk about your day. If you want to criticize you can do that too...just not about me... I have feelings too...
P.S.S. The reason I'm doing this is probably I'm dead tired (and like a drunk having s(censured)x with a total stranger), I'm probably gonna regret making this post in the morning... Enjoy!
My day: My character is a dark elf with black hair with a strong greenish hew. (What I just wrote might seem random, but you'll understand it soon. So anyway... I had just finished a dark brotherhood and my bonus was a fine "dress" the included a http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:The_Deceiver%27s_Finery. My next quest is to go to a "party" and kill everyone in it. I decide to put on my new outfit so that it goes with the mood. The point of the story is: When I get there and I look at my character, I look like the dark elf version of the Joker because of my greenish hair and purple coat outfit