Did you take a look at the Dead Horde or Hammer and Anvil? I'm thinking you didn't because those two are also RP's here that you didn't see I guess. Have a look to see if they are what your looking for.
Agreed, even though these two have already been started you can still ask to join. And I'm almost certain the hosts wouldn't mind one more

By the way, both have pretty good "freedom" character-wise, which I agree is a main part of RPs.
PS If you'd really like to join an RP, the Scribe's Corner (link in my signature) is starting its first RP. It's not in a Tes setting, it's a Star Wars RP, but you don't need a lot of knowledge about Star Wars to play. It's a PvP type RP, with one group hunting another, in a kind of bounty hunter-esque situation. I am very confident of the idea, and would always love to see more dedicated members. Though I warn you now, as host I maintain fairly high standards of spelling and whatnot; though I think you wouldn't have a problem. It should be pretty fun