» Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:14 pm
Basically, if you care about efficient leveling, you pick three attributes at the start of each level that you wish to raise by +5. You figure out how, via a combination of minor skill increases and major skill increases, you will get 10 or more points in skill increases associated with each one of those three attributes.
Focus on Endurance first, for sure. Unlike every other derived stat, your hit points are not retroactively increased by increases in their associated prime attribute (endurance). This means the sooner you get 100 Endurance the higher your net hit points will be throughout your leveling up process and at your character's eventual top level.
Every other stat can be raised when you see fit with no "penalty" to be paid, if you will. Though you always benefit from getting three +5's at level-up time, endurance is the one stat you darn well want to make sure (if you care about stats at all) to get +5's in right away, every time, until it hits 100.
I am currently leveling a rogue/assassin type character, like you. So, from the outset, I made raising endurance +5 each level my #1 stat-related priority. The way I did this was put heavy armor as a major (ironically, because I never wear it), leaving block and armorer (the other two skills associated with endurance) as minors. I get 5 points in block each level just blocking some weak creature (mudcrab, skeleton, whatever) and I get 5 points+ in armorer just repairing my armor and the armor of baddies that I kill. The 5 points in block takes a couple minutes, the points in armorer happen easily enough during the course of play.
Now, from the outset, the other two stats I made as next-highest-stat-priorities are strength (more damage when I do use a blade, plus more ability to carry loot) and agility (a natural for us rogue-types, and especially important for archery -- aka marksmanship). Here I made blade a major (since I know I will use it, and it levels relatively slow) and marksmanship a major (same reason). What I do is use a blunt weapon for 5 level ups or hand-to-hand for 5 level ups, at the start of the level. Right around or just after the block thing I mentioned first. That means I'm halfway to +5 strength just moments after I start a new level. I get the other 5 points afterwards, during the level up process, just using my blade.
For agility it's been the simplest of all, since sneak, security and marksmanship all impact agility -- and I use all three of those skills all the time.
Synopsis: have at least two minors per attribute that you want to make sure get +5's at level up time. Focus on them first, as you begin each level, to ensure you do. Once you get the hang of it, efficient leveling is incredibly simple, and need not be particularly time-consuming. In fact, I spend less than 30 minutes a level, if that, doing "efficient leveling" sorts of things. And I level slowly, on purpose, leaving the vast majority of my play time as just that: play time.