I just started using the DUI mod and I must say it's freaking awesome.
I do have a question though:
I installed ithe FOMOD version and everything looks great except everything on my hud (compass/hp bar, ammo bar, condition stats, etc.) are pretty small on my 28" monitor. I play with the "large textures" in the settings/option and the resolution I play at is 1920 x 1200.
I was wondering how and where I need to go to increase the size just a bit? I opened up "DUIF3Settings" with notepad and changed the line:
<_HUDMeterFont> 4 <!-- [4] Font to use in the HUD's meters
To 5 instead of 4, but then the text looks like old school computer text or something where you can see all the pixels. It doesn't look clean, nice, and smooth like when it was set originally at 4.
Am I missing something here? Is there anything else that has to be changed? Please let me know if you have any questions and thanks in advance!