» Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:08 am
After a while of the game being out, assuming the balance is right, I don't think any size/class combo will be underpowered enough to be very "unlikely."
People will find their experiment with a strange-seeming class fun, and surprisingly effective. Copycat players will pick up on this and try it out - some will be good at it, others will move on to the next "flavour of the month" build when they realise it doesn't work for them.
Medium Operative - Wraith's guess - Shotguns and ARs on a decent-speed sneaky character? I can see the usefulness. You have a decent amount of health (especially when buffed), and march up next to an enemy Heavy who's parked on the objective.
"Hello, friend!" Shotgun to the face, sidestep before his Minigun can cycle up, second blast, keep strafing, third shot is incap, Hack Comms, kill, Disguise, enemies come to check on the objective "Nothing to see here... I'm guarding the objective. Honest!" Enemies walk away thinking it's fine, then you hack the objective once they're gone.
Or there's the other route of taking AR/SMG and keeping yourself at mid - long range most of the time. The SMG is a backup in case you're running low on AR ammo, because you're going to operate behind enemy lines for long periods, killing, Disguising, CP stealing, Firewalling, only falling back when you need a Medic, or a FULL resupply - if you're staying out of trouble, avoiding direct confrontations, this shouldn't be happening too often.
Another guess is the Heavy Medic - but seriously, you get 2 - 3 Heavies - Medic and Soldier, and an Engineer as a third - you're not going down in a hurry. Medic buffs health, Soldier provides ammo, and if you've got an Engineer, you get Armour and Gun upgrades as well - possibly with a Turret on top of that. You have up to 4 heavy weapons, 3 of which do extra damage and are firing from mobile bomb shelters.
Or if you're the only Heavy, and you're a Medic, camp the current objective, guarding it, and preventing anyone who helps you from going down. If you have to kill or destroy something, easy, you have big guns, they always help. If not, kill anyone who comes close, then revive them if it was a mistake.
I think the only real "unlikely combinations" are going to be Size/Loadout combinations that are unusual - like the Heavy dual-SMG option - or a Medium with LR/Machine Pistol (Why take the Pistol when you can have SMG or AR without any speed disadvantage?)