Pod cast which is located here http://www.gameinfor...ddhowardse.aspx
Listen at around 9:40-10.05 or so
That is the only hope we can get to having werewolves in the game, no vampires had been talked about though so that was a bit odd.
There has still not been any info as to werewolves or vampires being Confirmed to be in Skyrim, either in the main game or an expansion or even some DLC for that matter, we still have 9 months to go *starting Feb 11th anyways* so hopefuly we will get some sort of surprize before the game is released showing us Werewolves and Vampires are in the game and hell maybe even some other creatures that we can either transform into or we all know and love (Honkers).

These are the past Threads
I have no idea how to name links so there it is in order from thread 1-6
One of the threads was merged because someone made a Werewolves&Vampires thread after i did....but I am the original creator of all threads Werewolves&Vampires

First post that created the Werewolves&Vampires thread/s started back in Dec 2010, 3 months ago and we have had over 6 threads each thread had 11 pages with makes 66 Pages and each thread carried over alittle over 200 Posts each which would make 1200 Posts total I believe.
We have done alot of discussion about this and maybe Bethesda has Finally noticed.
This is what I wrote in Thread 6 about what I want werewolves to be like, note I did not put anything about Physical looks but I would love it if they looked like the werewolves in Dog Soldiers but you know with special effects and in a video game tho do a transformation sceen like maybe from Being Human, anyway here it is.
(I mean the BRITISH BETTER version of Being Human not that damn American version (American citizen here)
"I do NOT want to be out of control like I am watching a movie when I see my character go and kill someone
This is how I think it should go besides being able to get Hirculine's ring to PREVENT a transformation *I would only use this if I have a mission to go to and I have to turn on a full moon
What I want:
1.Transform for both full moons, can't stop transformation ever unless you have a spell or the ring to use (more likly the ring)
Now I don't know anything about the full moon lore in TES, so I don't know if the moons are full only 2 times a month like in real life or what *yes our moon on earth is full 2 times a month, the day before the official full moon n the official full moon date, example everyone knows that the moon will be full lets say on the 30th well it is also full on the 29th.Or something like that lol.* Ok so like lets say the 2 moons become full 2 times a month, which technically equals 4 times since there are 2 different moons that could become full at different times (???) so that would mean you turn into a werewolf atleast 4 times a month....
That seems like a good number to me tho me being greedy I would want it to be more some how but i like being FORCED to turn into a werewolf yet still have all control over her when i turn......
2.We should have better attribute point checks than in MW, example in MW my werewolf character would have a Acrobatics of 80 I believe it was yet in human form she had a Acrobatics of 100, if anything the attruibute points should go UP when you become a werewolf to whatever they are in Human form to how many points the devs want... I didn't care how my human character was STRONGER than my Werewolf character besides the resistant to certain things and weakness to silver.
3.Number 2 brings up a point, anything we gain from becoming a werewolf,strength or weaknesses should be passed over to when we are in human form, example:
Werewolves are weak to Silver Weapons by a certain percentage *forgot the number* lets say its 75% well when we become human we should ALSO still have that weakness to silver, we still have the wolf locked away inside ourselves till the next full moon/s anyways so it makes sense.
Another example is speed: lets say my speed as human is 45 *before I became infected by a werewolf* and as a werewolf lets say it becomes 80, yet as when I turn back into human after my first transformation my speed in human form *along with any other states that incress like Strength* should go up by like 10-15 points this could also be in the perk system, like 3rd to last perk for the werewolves could be a point incress while in werewolve/human form of an extra 5-10 points, BUT everytime you level up ur attributes as a human lets say i take it up from 55/60 *from being a werewolf added points* to 60/65 than it should stay that till my 3rd to last perk upgrade as a werewolf OR I level up, but the whole thing with gaining more sttributes from being a werewolf only happens ONCE when you first become one or with a 3RD to last PERK UPGRADE....
4. Should be able to climb on walls in werewolf form, yes to much Underworld I know I don't know if this mixes in with the lore or not but hey Beth has bent Lore many times I hear

5.Like in past games if a person sees you transform than you are [censored]!! BUT this would deal with the Radient Story stuff but I hope like in a matter of seconds that every NPC in the whole game across continents even all of a sudden know I am a werewolf even tho I was just found out 5 seconds ago O___O You also should get the chance to follow them home either as a werewolf or human character to either bribe them to not tell or just kill them off when they don't or do expect it in anyway you please...Last part would have to do with finishing moves maybe
6.Good finishing moves, I want to see my werewolf claw at a guys throat as one and actually see the blood and gore in great detail *may not happen* or atleast to bite at a limb and rip it off to kill them, these could be normal moves to but I want some kind of finishing moves like how vampires should be able to jump on a wounded NPC or healthy one and start drinking their blood.
7.Great Perks only for being a werewolf, maybe a feeding animation just better than the cannibal one in Fallout, I actually want to SEE them getting ripped to shreds and eaten. Maybe a perk that lessons the damage by a little as you upgrade it to silver weapons or the need to not have to kill a human every time you transform to live, maybe be able to kill 5 animals depending on size that would still keep you semi full for when you turn back to human yet won't let you die from not eating."