My latest baffling problem. So when you're mounted and attacked by something, your attacker sometimes hits you and sometimes hits your horse. I'm trying to make it so the attacker always goes after me, not my mount, no matter what, even if my mount attacks back.
I've tried various scripting tricks attached to my mount, like ...
If Mount.IsInCombat Set MountCombatTarget to Mount.GetCombatTarget If MountCombatTarget.GetCombatTarget != Player MountCombatTarget.StartCombat Player EndifEndif
But this doesn't seem to work, because as soon as my mount attacks again, then the target automatically switches back to attacking my mount. I also tried setting the mount to a ghost, but that also doesn't work, the attacker still tries to hit them instead of me. I also tried creating a faction for my mount with a disposition modifier of 100 for others in the same faction, but -100 for the Player, and make it so my enemy is added to this faction with the hope that even when my mount attacks them, they still hate me more enough to ignore the attack and go after me instead. No luck!

Any ideas?
Long story short, I don't want my mount to take damage or be the victim of spells, only me the rider should suffer.