1. Freedom. Like you say, Bethesda has created a world in which it is possible to do nearly anything one wants, to go nearly anywhere wants to go, when one wants to go there. As much as I respect Bioware, I cannot play their games. My characters tend to be an anarchic, anti-authoritarian bunch of iconoclasts who prefer to follow their own noses and get into their own trouble. They do not much like to be told what to do, most of them. No other game series allows me to play characters like these so completely.
2. Mods. Mods allow me to change the way the game operates according to the needs of each character. I can start a character out in the Arena, in a shipwreck, next to a fire out in the wilderness. I make houses for each of my characters that reflects that character in some way. I can add or subtract quests, gear, spells, increase or decrease difficulty; I can add new lands, villages, NPCs...whatever my character needs to tell her story, mods can probably provide it.